Avoid Eating Kola-Nut If You Have Any Of These 5 Health Conditions.

Kola-nut is a very popular traditional food in Nigeria. Traditional festivals cannot be complete without presentation of kola nut. Kola nut is particularly revered in the South Eastern part of Nigeria.
Kola nut has certain health benefits. However, anything that has an advantage also has a disadvantage. Although, kola nut has some health benefits, it also has some health implications which makes it unsuitable for people that have certain medical conditions to eat.
According to WebMD, the side effect of kola nut may vary and increase, depending on how much of the nut is eaten. Kola-nut stimulates the heart, muscles and nervous system (brain).
Here Are Some Five (5) Groups Of People That Should Not Eat Kola Nut:
1. Hypertensive People:

Hypertensive people are people that have high blood pressure. High blood pressure is not curable and it has the potential of being deadly. Hypertension can also cause other health problems like, heart problems.
Kola nut contains stimulants which can trigger the blood pressure and cause it to raise. Hypertensive people should also try as much as possible to avoid edibles that contain kola nut.
2. People Who Suffer From Insomnia:

Insomnia is a condition that prevents a person from sleeping. People who have insomnia, find it difficult to sleep infact, people who have severe Insomnia find it almost impossible to sleep and might require strong sleeping pills to be able to sleep.
Sleep deprivation is very dangerous and can cause a lot of dangerous health problems. Therefore, people who have insomnia or, difficulty in sleeping should not eat kola nut or, products containing kola nut because it contains stimulants like, caffeine that prevents one from sleeping.
3. Heart Problems:

As stated earlier, kola nut stimulates the heart which makes it unsuitable for people who have one heart problem or the other.
For example, kola nut can induce irregular heartbeat in a person.
4. Shakiness:

People who have diseases that causes them to have shaky limbs should avoid eating kola nut.
People who have tremor causing disease like, Parkinson’s disease should under no circumstance consume kola nut because, kola nut stimulates the brain and the central nervous system which can induce, shakiness.
5. People Who Have Anxiety Problems:

Merriam Webster dictionary defines anxiety as a fear or, nervousness over something that might happen.
It is normal to feel anxious sometimes but, severe anxiety is a mental problem that sometimes require medications and therapy to treat.
Kola nut stimulates the brain which can induce anxiety which makes it unsuitable for people who have anxiety disorders.