
How to Download NIMC MWS App

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  1. Download the NIMC MWS app by going to either apple store or google play store.
  1. After a successful login, navigate to the “I need a pin” menu and click on it.
  1. You would find your userID and OTP to login to the NIMC web portal on;



  1. After a successful login to the web portal.
  1. Navigate to the “Print Improved NIN Slip” menu and click to download your NIN Slip.

NOTE: If you get  an error message that says “UserID does not exist” when you try to login to the portal.

Follow the steps below:

  1. Login to your NIMC MWS application and navigate to the “Settings” menu.
  1. Click on “Wipe Mobile ID Data”.
  1. You will be requested to input your NIN.
  1. Upon a successful login to your NIMC MWS application.

Navigate to the “I need a pin” menu and click on it, you will find your “UserID and OTP” to login to the portal.


Aminu B Yusuf, Editor in Chief at HausaDrop.Com

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