More Than Good Looks: 4 Things Women Look For In A Man

They say that women look for a man who is tall, dark and handsome. The truth is that it’s so much more than that. There are certain traits and characteristics that women want in a potential partner. A handsome face isn’t going to be enough anymore! If you’re interested in what women really want, check out these four major things women look for in a man:
1. Sense of Humor
Women love men who can make them laugh. There are few things that are sexier than a man with a sense of humor. If a man can laugh at himself and doesn’t take things too seriously, it makes him ten times more attractive.
2. Confidence
Confidence is attractive to just about everyone. No one likes a guy who isinsecure and desperate. When a man has confidence, women will flock to him. Women want a man who feels secure in himself and does not doubt who he is. This is why confidence is one of the main things women look for in a man.
3. Sensitivity
Traditionally, men have been programmed to be hyper-masculine and hide their emotions. The reality is that women appreciate a man who isn’t afraid to express his feelings. They want a man who will open up to them and be emotional if he needs to be. This is why sensitivity is an important thing that women want in a potential partner. Sensitivity also helps men to be more in tune with the emotions that their partner is feeling, leading to a healthier relationship.
4. Intelligence
While no one is saying that a man has to be a genius to get a girlfriend, intelligence is always a plus. It’s nice to have someone that you can have a substantial conversation with. Women enjoy men who are cultured and can discuss various issues and subjects. Men who have knowledge about different topics are more intriguing and more likely to have women interested in them.